Making the Transition to John Jay

1. Invitation

Receive a letter inviting you to continue your studies at John Jay College as a baccalaureate degree student.

  • Students whose academic records indicate that they could complete the required coursework and graduate with an associate degree by May 2025 or sooner will receive a letter inviting them to CONFIRM their intention to continue their studies at John Jay College from the Director of Admissions.
  • If you don't receive this invitation by March 31, 2025 and you intend to transition to John Jay College after your graduation from your community college this semester, please email us at
  • If you're an international student and intend to transition to John Jay, please follow these instructions to maintain your F-1 status.

2. Confirmation

Confirm your intention to start at John Jay by May 23, 2025.

  • To confirm, use the "CJA confirm" link provided in the invitation. We will then start to evaluate your credits and get you ready for early registration.
  • To speed up your credit evaluation, make sure you do not have any local Negative Service Indicators (also known as "stops") on your record; otherwise, we will not be able to access your transcript. Check your CUNYfirst account to find out what the Negative Service Indicator is and contact the appropriate office on your campus to have it removed.

3. Credit Evaluation

Receive an email informing you that your credits have been evaluated.

  • If you have previously attended non-CUNY colleges, you will have to request that your non-CUNY institution provide John Jay College with an official copy of your transcript. Official transcripts may be sent to

4. Filing for Graduation

Make sure that you transition to John Jay College with your associate degree completed.

  • The guarantee of enrollment at John Jay in your “dual-admission” program is based on the completion of your associate degree. As you approach that major milestone, your community college expects you to file for graduation. So please remember to file for graduation in your final semester before transitioning to John Jay.
  • If you are a returning John Jay student, we encourage you to meet with your local CJA advisor to determine if you are subject to the CJA Academic Forgiveness Policy.

5. CUNY'S Skills Proficiency

Make sure you have satisfied CUNY's skills requirements in reading, writing, and math. You can demonstrate CUNY skills certification in one of the following ways:


  • Pass a credit-bearing college level math course with a C or better outside of CUNY or with any passing grade at a CUNY college.


  • Earn a C or better in a 3-credit college level English course

*Remember: If you earn your associate degree, you are considered fully skills certified!

6. Proof of Immunization

  • Ensure that your MMR and meningitis immunizations are on file at your community college. If they are, then we can confirm them at John Jay, using CUNYFirst.

7. Preparing to Register

Come to your registration appointment ready and informed.

  • Log in to CUNYfirst to update your profile. You will have to change your college to John Jay College.
  • Check Schedule Builder on CUNYfirst for available courses.
  • Academic advisement at John Jay is required for CJA students prior to enrolling in classes. Be on the lookout and once your credits are posted, you will receive an invitation to set up an advisement appointment to register for classes. 

8. Registration

CJA registration will start mid-May 2025. Students will receive an invitation to register only if their credits have been evaluated and posted and they attend an advisement session at John Jay. 
